Thursday, November 20, 2008

Craft Show Pitches

Cara and I always hold our breath when we set up at a craft show. Literally. See, we were once placed right next to a lady that was selling clear glass pebbles that she poured any number of different scents upon. All day long we were surrounded by scents of patchouli, cherry, apple, cinnamon, baby powder… you name it, she had it. By the end of the day, it made for two sensory-overwhelmed headaches. Once, we were placed across from a lady that sold earwax candles. I can appreciate alternative therapies, but she sold them in packs of 20 for $30. We humans must have a mother load of wax in our ears that would require the necessity of 20 ear candles, but an inexpensive cotton swab seems to work well for me. Other times, we’ve been entertained by the very repetitive pitches of a blanket that folded into a pillow and soy candles that are environmentally friendly, allergy friendly, kid friendly, pet friendly, and asthma friendly. He had me at environmentally friendly. However, he lost me with the kid friendly… are any candles kid friendly? And, no, I’ve never seen a blanket fold into a pillow, please show me again. Over and over, we saw the annoyed and repelled faces shuffle away from their booth. We pride ourselves on not having a ‘pitch’. But, after seeing and hearing so many craft show pitches, we wonder if they really work. I’ll try it this weekend and let you know my results!

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